Mission Statement
eLearning Consortium of Colorado brings together Rocky Mountain Region higher education institutions in the spirit of collaboration, innovation, networking, and problem solving to leverage technology that promotes meaningful learning.
Evolution of ELCC Mission Statement
The eLearning Consortium of Colorado (formerly Colorado TELECOOP) is a coalition of public and private colleges, universities, K-12 education, private sector business and public television stations dedicated to the enhancement of educational opportunities through distance learning. Known for many years as the Telecommunications Cooperative of Colorado, the new name better reflects the changing times and advancements made in the area of distance teaching and learning. The mission and focus remain the same – the enhancement of educational opportunities through distance learning.
eLCC is all of the following:
eLCC is all of the following:
- Network of distance education specialists
- Forum for discussion and response to distance education issues
- Clearing house for distance education resources and information
- Provider of faculty and staff development resources in distance education
- Cooperative to reduce costs