Justice, Equity, Diversity
and Inclusion (JEDI)
For the eLearning Consortium of Colorado 2022, we sent out a call for sessions and workshops on justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and we are humbled by the amount of proposals we received. We hope to provide space for more than just a place at the table and instead ensure rightful presence. We would encourage everyone to consider participating in the sessions and workshops below:
Wednesday April 13
Wednesday 10 am MT Workshop
3D Quilt Codes Recording (https://youtu.be/wTJJF3Lkmco)
Leticia Citizen, Hawthorne School and Judy Nguyen, AllCovered
During this hands-on workshop, we will link 2D design / 3D modeling to collaborative quilting bees and the use of symbols and codes in hanging quilts that guided enslaved African people and their descendants to freedom. Be prepared to personalize your coded quilt with symbols that represent your story.
Wednesday 10 am MT
Advancing Inclusive Pedagogy & DEI via Instructional Technology Recording (https://youtu.be/Gx0rZBIcLj8)
Amy Kuntz, Penn State University
Infusing instructional technologies paired with inclusive pedagogy strategies can advance the work for DEI. Using such tools as FlipGrid, Google Docs, and more can enable a co-created portion of a learner-centered syllabus, checking name pronunciation and pronouns, and soliciting feedback from the students with a DEI perspective. Additional aspects include image repositories and open educational resources (OER) to have inclusive materials focused on representation.
Wednesday 11 am MT
Inclusive Design and Pedagogy: Creating Land Acknowledgements (Research in Action) Workshop
Recording (https://youtu.be/2VV6Xdy-KgU )
Kae Novak, Front Range Community College, Kristin Herman, Old Dominion University, Dr. J. Christie Liu, George Mason University, Chris Luchs, Old Dominion University, Paula Marcelle, Indiana University, Dr. Sylvia Rogers, Auburn University
Land acknowledgements are a practice in which organizations explicitly and intentionally recognize the Indigenous peoples whose land is occupied in the hosting of events, presentations, or physical workspaces. Participants will engage in a design session to create a land acknowledgement statement for their syllabus, online course, event or organization.
Wednesday 11 am MT
Developing Inclusive Online Learning Environments for High Impact Practices Recording (https://youtu.be/6Oo3NyT8rcw)
Colleen Smith, Florida State University
Culturally inclusive instructional design is essential for learning inside a classroom and learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Students who are involved in learning opportunities, such as High Impact Practices (HIPs), like ePortfolios, Undergraduate Research, or Service Learning, are more likely to enjoy higher levels of learning success, whether or not this happens in a formal course. HIPs have been shown to provide significant educational benefits for students, especially groups who are historically underserved by higher education (AAC&U, 2022).
Wednesday 2 pm MT
Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms Recording (https://youtu.be/1lRMq6H3Db8)
Ekaterina Stoops, Columbia Basin College
What is Culturally Responsive Teaching? How can we create engaging learning experiences that meet the needs of all students in our classrooms? Join Ekaterina Stoops, Director for Teaching and Learning at Columbia Basin College, as she shares how you can adopt Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies to create equitable learning environments for your students. We will also discuss how unconscious biases impact our teaching and how to address them through Culturally Responsive Teaching.
Thursday April 14
Thursday 11 am MT
Racial Equity & Social Justice via the Arts and Innovative Technology Recording (https://youtu.be/4I61mCWoTwo)
Amy Kuntz, Sara Davis and Dr. Tom Hogan, Penn State University
This interactive session will explore the journey and lessons learned with the creation of an online course focused on developing the next generation of leaders as agents of social change by promoting racial equity in higher education and society. The approach includes the incorporation of research-based High Impact Practices, leveraging innovative technology such as 360 video and a Virtual Reality interactive art gallery, and utilizing the visual and performing arts as an agent of change.
Thursday 11 am MT
A Return to Humanity in Online and Blended Teaching Recording (https://youtu.be/CgSS4viJIQc)
Stephanie Foote, Gardner Institute
In The Courage to Teach, Parker Palmer (1998) writes, Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher (p. 10). As Palmer (1998) suggests, teaching and identity are interwoven, making teaching an act of vulnerability. Despite this, we often create our courses in ways that protect us, and ultimately, create distance from the students we teach. This session will explore ways to return to the humanity in teaching by understanding ourselves and our students and using these collective understandings to create inclusive and responsive online and blended learning environments.
Thursday 1 pm MT
Close Reading Culturally Relevant Music Recording (https://youtu.be/YqKLrGmRnrQ )
Leticia Citizen, Hawthorne School, Dr. Toutoule Ntoya, Pasadena Unified School District, Troy Wadlington, Murrieta Valley Unified School District
Student's prior knowledge and experiences exude diversity and inclusion. Combine these with the use of Close Reading strategies and Music to cultivate a space where each student's voice is shared and relationships are nurtured. Inspire students to interact and closely read music lyrics through a lens of diversity and equity to engage on significant issues surrounding culture, social justice, inclusion, and racial discourse.
Thursday 4 pm MT
Breaking Down Barriers: Strategies for Inclusive Course Design Recording (https://youtu.be/_rmbMYkV60I)
Linda Lee, The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania
This interactive session will introduce core principles for designing inclusive courses, including course policies, course materials, activities and assessments, and technology use. It will then demonstrate how these principles are put into practice in a gateway course for all incoming Wharton undergraduates that is intentionally designed to allow all students to successfully complete the course. Participants will collaboratively develop inclusive course design strategies for future use.
Racial Equity & Social Justice via the Arts and Innovative Technology Recording (https://youtu.be/4I61mCWoTwo)
Amy Kuntz, Sara Davis and Dr. Tom Hogan, Penn State University
This interactive session will explore the journey and lessons learned with the creation of an online course focused on developing the next generation of leaders as agents of social change by promoting racial equity in higher education and society. The approach includes the incorporation of research-based High Impact Practices, leveraging innovative technology such as 360 video and a Virtual Reality interactive art gallery, and utilizing the visual and performing arts as an agent of change.
Thursday 11 am MT
A Return to Humanity in Online and Blended Teaching Recording (https://youtu.be/CgSS4viJIQc)
Stephanie Foote, Gardner Institute
In The Courage to Teach, Parker Palmer (1998) writes, Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher (p. 10). As Palmer (1998) suggests, teaching and identity are interwoven, making teaching an act of vulnerability. Despite this, we often create our courses in ways that protect us, and ultimately, create distance from the students we teach. This session will explore ways to return to the humanity in teaching by understanding ourselves and our students and using these collective understandings to create inclusive and responsive online and blended learning environments.
Thursday 1 pm MT
Close Reading Culturally Relevant Music Recording (https://youtu.be/YqKLrGmRnrQ )
Leticia Citizen, Hawthorne School, Dr. Toutoule Ntoya, Pasadena Unified School District, Troy Wadlington, Murrieta Valley Unified School District
Student's prior knowledge and experiences exude diversity and inclusion. Combine these with the use of Close Reading strategies and Music to cultivate a space where each student's voice is shared and relationships are nurtured. Inspire students to interact and closely read music lyrics through a lens of diversity and equity to engage on significant issues surrounding culture, social justice, inclusion, and racial discourse.
Thursday 4 pm MT
Breaking Down Barriers: Strategies for Inclusive Course Design Recording (https://youtu.be/_rmbMYkV60I)
Linda Lee, The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania
This interactive session will introduce core principles for designing inclusive courses, including course policies, course materials, activities and assessments, and technology use. It will then demonstrate how these principles are put into practice in a gateway course for all incoming Wharton undergraduates that is intentionally designed to allow all students to successfully complete the course. Participants will collaboratively develop inclusive course design strategies for future use.
Friday April 15
Friday 8 am MT
Morning Discussion: Education during Humanitarian Crises and War Recording (https://youtu.be/UjRI4g578yM)
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Clint Carlson interviews Dr. Jessica Krueger, the Secondary Principal and member of the leadership team at Pechersk School International, PSI is an international school based in Kyiv, Ukraine. The discussion is on how the school has adapted and thriving despite being at the cross section of a pandemic and invasion of their host country and the political unrest in Ukraine.
Friday 10 am MT
Inclusivity in Action: Is Your Learning Designer for Introverts and Extroverts? Recording (https://youtu.be/s_BpvJKDesg)
Karen LaPlant , Metro State University and Zala Fashant, Minnesota State (Retired)
Course designers must analyze students' and instructors' characteristics to move between extraversion to introversion and develop an awareness of how to use introvert or extravert skills. This session discusses the design of inclusive courses to provide these skills through learning activities and assessments in order for all learners to succeed.
Friday 12 pm MT
Lunch Discussion: Further Thoughts on Education During Humanitarian Crises and War
Recording (https://youtu.be/UjRI4g578yM) - same recording as Friday 8 am.
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Friday 1 pm MT
Practices to Enhance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Online Settings Recording (https://youtu.be/676lsZQtFtU)
Melissa Shaquid Pirie and Gail Ring, PebblePad North America
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are at the core of the mission of public colleges and universities, where there is a commitment to both their learners and their surrounding communities. In this discussion we will engage participants in conversations on curricular inclusion of information and acknowledgments that can support learner equity, particularly in online and hybrid environments. We will provide examples practices and resources with a commitment to engaging learners in reflection.
Friday 1 pm MT
Emotional VR Avatars for Safe-Space Conversations and Soft-Skill Training Recording (https://youtu.be/YrNGmqKInIQ)
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Join us to learn about emotional VR avatars that exhibit emotional responses to conversations. This creates space for conversations about sensitive topics, such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and others in a low-stakes, safe way that spans all demographics and differences.
Friday 2 pm MT Workshop
Inclusive Pedagogy and Design: Diversify Your Constructs, Citations and Readings
Recording (https://youtu.be/08bBo0de8IA) )
Kae Novak, Front Range Community College, Chris Luchs, Old Dominion University, Melissa Jones, Florida State University,
Farah Benanni, Northampton Community College
Language, constructs, citations and readings have the potential to start the enactment of social justice. This research in action project is based on webinars and readings done by the AECT Culture, Learning & Technology doctoral group in 2021 and inspired and informed by the Diversify Your Booklist: Developing Citation Practices at NCSU. It covers key concepts and focal vocabulary of culturally relevant pedagogy, intersectionality and social justice grassroots work. Graduate students have created a glossary, list of frameworks, annotated bibliography, readings and recordings on Justice (social and racial), Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) both in and outside of the field of education. It is hoped that the resources will be a way to scaffold JEDI focused schema for both practice and research in social sciences.
Morning Discussion: Education during Humanitarian Crises and War Recording (https://youtu.be/UjRI4g578yM)
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Clint Carlson interviews Dr. Jessica Krueger, the Secondary Principal and member of the leadership team at Pechersk School International, PSI is an international school based in Kyiv, Ukraine. The discussion is on how the school has adapted and thriving despite being at the cross section of a pandemic and invasion of their host country and the political unrest in Ukraine.
Friday 10 am MT
Inclusivity in Action: Is Your Learning Designer for Introverts and Extroverts? Recording (https://youtu.be/s_BpvJKDesg)
Karen LaPlant , Metro State University and Zala Fashant, Minnesota State (Retired)
Course designers must analyze students' and instructors' characteristics to move between extraversion to introversion and develop an awareness of how to use introvert or extravert skills. This session discusses the design of inclusive courses to provide these skills through learning activities and assessments in order for all learners to succeed.
Friday 12 pm MT
Lunch Discussion: Further Thoughts on Education During Humanitarian Crises and War
Recording (https://youtu.be/UjRI4g578yM) - same recording as Friday 8 am.
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Friday 1 pm MT
Practices to Enhance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Online Settings Recording (https://youtu.be/676lsZQtFtU)
Melissa Shaquid Pirie and Gail Ring, PebblePad North America
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are at the core of the mission of public colleges and universities, where there is a commitment to both their learners and their surrounding communities. In this discussion we will engage participants in conversations on curricular inclusion of information and acknowledgments that can support learner equity, particularly in online and hybrid environments. We will provide examples practices and resources with a commitment to engaging learners in reflection.
Friday 1 pm MT
Emotional VR Avatars for Safe-Space Conversations and Soft-Skill Training Recording (https://youtu.be/YrNGmqKInIQ)
Clint Carlson, University of Colorado - Anschutz
Join us to learn about emotional VR avatars that exhibit emotional responses to conversations. This creates space for conversations about sensitive topics, such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and others in a low-stakes, safe way that spans all demographics and differences.
Friday 2 pm MT Workshop
Inclusive Pedagogy and Design: Diversify Your Constructs, Citations and Readings
Recording (https://youtu.be/08bBo0de8IA) )
Kae Novak, Front Range Community College, Chris Luchs, Old Dominion University, Melissa Jones, Florida State University,
Farah Benanni, Northampton Community College
Language, constructs, citations and readings have the potential to start the enactment of social justice. This research in action project is based on webinars and readings done by the AECT Culture, Learning & Technology doctoral group in 2021 and inspired and informed by the Diversify Your Booklist: Developing Citation Practices at NCSU. It covers key concepts and focal vocabulary of culturally relevant pedagogy, intersectionality and social justice grassroots work. Graduate students have created a glossary, list of frameworks, annotated bibliography, readings and recordings on Justice (social and racial), Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) both in and outside of the field of education. It is hoped that the resources will be a way to scaffold JEDI focused schema for both practice and research in social sciences.